Acquaintance with the EIT

You have already come to the site of the EIT, overcame the excitement, prepared well, got enough sleep, in other words ready to do your part.

But the question is how to behave at the point in different situations during the EIT? Since I worked at the precinct, I can answer that question.

Let’s make a list of how to make life easier for ourselves and the workers who carry out the EIT.

  1. The site only opens at the specified time in your Certificate. It is impossible to get to the site before the site is opened, otherwise you may have problems. Before opening, an authorized person or several persons will be standing at the entrance.
  2. Come a little early, it’s better to be late, but if you happen to be late, then you have 10 minutes after the start, you will most likely be an authorized person at the entrance, contact her, she will lead you to your audience, if you are missed for more than 10 minutes.
  3. After skipping the entrance, do not hide the documents, there will be another check in front of your audience.
  4. Your personal belongings may be taken with you to the station, BUT, the telephone at the station must be switched off and on only when leaving, it is not necessary to provoke employees; : a few pens, water (no labels, but no more than a liter is recommended, if there are more questions, the drink should be in a plastic bottle or in a swirling glass, alcohol is forbidden!).
  5. If you have a health problem and need to take medication as needed, or if you still have any warnings, please notify authorized persons. It is not allowed to take medicines with you to the workplace, but they may be in a special place for your belongings, from which you can use them if necessary, or ask an authorized person to give them away.
  6. If you get lost and can’t find your audience, ask for help with regular people on each floor.
  7. Once you are admitted to the precinct, you still have time when your stuff is in the audience, but the EIT has not started yet, at which time you can go to the toilet or share your experiences with your friends. After this time, you need to return to your audience.
  8. If you feel unwell, contact an authorized person right away, no need to neglect your health.
  9. After the start of writing an inquiry, it is forbidden to communicate with other participants of the EIA, to address employees about any task is forbidden, we also do not know what the tasks are there.
  10. Somewhere in the middle of the exam, a person with a police officer who will conduct your inspection with the metal detector should come in. There is no need to worry if the metal detector sounds a finding, because it responds to any metal objects. If it is a phone (or other items) that you are not allowed to bring with you, even the older models, you will be asked to put it out and check if it is turned off. Also, it is forbidden to wear electronic watches and fitness bracelets.
  11. If you need to go to the toilet, contact the employee without raising your hand upwards, and you will be called for an attendant who will escort you to the toilet. If you are suspected of unlawful activity, you may be escorted to the restroom after a long period of detention, carrying any items to the restroom is forbidden if you have done so and your examination will be suspended.
  12. You have written the exam, leave it in your workplace, raise your hand up, and tell the authorized person about your completion of the work, collect the things, you need to sign and seal the passage again, you will be called by the attendant who will guide you to the exit from the station .
  13. If there are 3 students in the audience, they must sit until the last one has finished writing the exam, after everyone has passed the exam, the tests are packing, the students have to collect and fill in the papers.
  14. If you are interested in getting your drafts drafted, ask the authorized person when they will be allowed to come and receive them.

Now you are familiar with the rules of the EEO, there will be no surprises for you, and the anxiety will decrease