Graduates of the College of Engineering and Management, the College of Information Technology and Land Management, and the Kyiv College of Computer Technology and Economics, attended the Open Door Day at National Aviation University. The event was attended by representatives of the Rectorate, the Educational and Scientific Institute of Innovative Educational Technologies, the Admissions Committee, the deans of the faculties, heads of departments, scientific and pedagogical staff. The moderator of the project is Natalia Natalia Muranova.
The Day of Open Doors began with the exhibition-presentation of institutes, faculties, the Admission Committee, which was accompanied by a demonstration of video materials.
Vice-rector Artur Goodmanian congratulated the guests and rewarded the employees of the College with Acknowledgments and Diplomas for their significant personal contribution to the education and upbringing of young people, for the high quality of work and exemplary performance of their duties, many years of perfect work. Teachers of the College of Information Technology and Land Management – Alexander Shevchenko, Lyudmila Nezhoda, Antonina Boginsk and Kyiv College of Computer Technology and Economics – Oksana Mikhailova, Nadiya Zayets, Victoria Omelchenko were noted.
The Secretary of the Admissions Committee Kirill Nikolaev and the Deputy Director of the NNIIOT Oksana Polishchuk presented to the college graduates the features of the 2019 introductory campaign of full-time and correspondence forms of study.
Further guidance counseling for students was held at the faculties where students of colleges plan to study.
We hope this Open Day has helped you make the right professional move in the future. And this is the National Aviation University!
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