The Faculty of Environmental Safety, Engineering and Technology (FESET) was established in 2019 as a result of series of reorganizations: Institute of Environmental Safety (2010), Faculty of Environmental Safety (2005-2010), Faculty of Environment Protection (before 2005). The Rector’s Order No. 466 as of 10.12.2018 about the Faculty (FESET) reorganization was issued based on the Academic Council decisions as of 09.28.2018 protocol N6. More than 1100 students have currently been studying on Bachelor, Master and PhD Educational Programs at the Faculty.
The FESET is considered to be functioning as an educational, research and administrative structural unit of the University that conducts educational activities related to higher education in licensed specialties and has the appropriate level of personnel and logistics.
The main objective of the Faculty’s activity is to provide educational service for obtaining Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees, qualitative training of research experts of higher qualification, based on the present-day level of knowledge and research that are capable to operate successfully in a competitive environment in Ukraine and beyond.
Faculty administration:
Dean: aud. 3,416, tel. +38 (044) 406-78-44
Deputy Deans:
aud. 5-202, tel .: +38 (044) 406-78-90
tel / fax: +38 (044) 406-77-65
(lunch break from 12:00 to 13:00)