How to overcome the excitement before the exam

We all worry about important things, and here is a test that will solve your fate! It is not necessary to calm down at all, if you get drunk soothing and you will be completely intoxicated, you will not be bothered by anything, it is possible that you will also not worry at the exam and you will be stuck on tasks, but you do not have to worry very much, there is nothing wrong with that. no, the slight excitement in the exam on the contrary helps in writing it, it mobilizes and arranges brain work.

How to overcome this excitement?

The simplest recipe is the most effective one: you just need to get things done. If you have an hour before the exam, use it to the fullest. You will go out of business – start worrying. Rewrite the basic wording you need at this time – you will be less worried. It doesn’t matter how much you learn during this time – but at least you have learned, you have used the best time available, your conscience will be calm.

By the way, do not forget to get some sleep: being in good physical shape with a clear head is more important than reading again what you already seem to read …

If you are worried about the situation because you are intimidated by the unknown: how is it? what is there? then play this exam or interview with one of your friends or loved ones while playing both a student and a teacher. It helps. If you have a good idea, take it with pictures of success: draw in your imagination how everything is going well and let the final picture of your winning finale be especially colorful. You are happy, you are happy, everything turned out, hurray!

If suddenly, along with the picture of good fortune, the images of failure, failure, trouble pop up, and it is not possible to get rid of these thoughts, use the great principle: “You cannot cope – at all”. Do not run from the picture of failure, but deal with this situation – is it really so scary? Ask yourself this question seriously … Behold, I will not pass the exam, behold, I shall be late; behold, we will not meet – are you sure that it is seriously worthy of the “Horror” calling? Children are afraid of love, and you enter into the state of an adult and tell yourself quietly: even in the most unpleasant outcome, the most important thing in life will remain with you. This is not the end of the world. Everyone will stay alive.

The worst thing that will happen to you in the case of a failed exam is that you come home and drink coffee with a bun. You have a home and you have coffee. Please appreciate this and do not make the appearance as if you are being deprived of life. Learn to distinguish between vital things – and things transient. A wise man, unlike a human child, is familiar with true losses, and as a standard, knows how to determine the true magnitude of what has happened.

If you start to panic (everyone happens!), There are three keys to your help: tell yourself “Stop!”, Calm your breathing and drink a glass of water. A bottle of water is useful for the vessels of the brain and distracts from the excitement, the main work will be focused on your breathing: deep breath – slow exhalation, deep breath – slow exhalation … As long as you need. It always helps when you start to worry: slow breathing is soothing. And the word “Stop!”, Said as a team, even better aloud – sobers you from panic and regains your possession. Everything will be fine.