The Institute of Innovative Educational Technologies (IIT) is a structural unit of the National Aviation University (NAU). The Institute provides and implements: implementation of specialized and specialized education, fundamental preparation of student youth, students for admission to higher education institutions of Ukrainian citizens and for further qualitative education in it; preparation of entrants to the national EIT in accordance with UCOYAO technologies at the preparatory department of citizens of Ukraine; organization of in-depth study of a number of subjects and special courses for students and students; vocational guidance and pre-professional training of student youth through the implementation of educational and vocational projects; search, development, involvement in education of gifted student youth; fulfillment of educational, scientific and other tasks in the system of pre-university training and higher education, aimed at the realization of the content of education at certain educational degrees of specialist training; preparation of Bachelor’s and Master’s degree specialists in accordance with the licensed volume and accredited specialties (specializations) of NAU in correspondence form of study (using distance technologies); concurrent training for students who have successfully completed the first year of higher education; training of specialists in individual programs; meeting the needs of society in particular in highly qualified personnel, taking into account the individual needs of citizens in their personal and professional growth.
The scientific, scientific, methodological and organizational processes of the correspondence form of education are realized in NAU on the basis of IIET, taking into account the opportunities and needs of each student, which effectively contributes to the formation of professional competences. Distance learning at NAU is obtained both by citizens of Ukraine and from other countries of the world.
In NAU the correspondence form with the use of distance learning technologies is effectively implemented, which is realized due to the modern up-to-date information resources, methods, forms, approaches to the learning process.
Part-time (distance) study at NAU is a high-quality, promising higher education in modern specialties (educational and professional programs), as well as a convenient and effective form of education without in-breeding. The educational process is provided by profile departments. Admission to training is carried out within the licensed volume of NAU.
In the direction of distance education professional training of specialists in specialties (specializations) according to state standards is carried out without breaking from the main work and place of residence. This area has an appropriate level of personnel and logistics. The training sessions are closely related to the real working conditions of future specialists.
The Preparatory Department of Citizens of Ukraine carries out educational activities related to the preparation for admission to higher education institutions of Ukraine and nationwide EIT for pupils and students in preparatory courses in the disciplines: Ukrainian language and literature, mathematics, history of Ukraine, English, geography, physics, chemistry, biology, the basics of journalism, drawing and composition, the basics of programming, law.
Department of basic and special disciplines provides teaching of disciplines at the preparatory department of ESIIET; carries out the educational process in accordance with the applicable normative documents, working curricula, approved and adapted in accordance with the requirements of the state standards of basic, complete general secondary and higher education in accordance with UCOYAO technologies.
The department of innovative technologies of vocational education carries out educational, methodical and / or scientific activity in certain specialties (specializations). The educational process is carried out with the help of modern computer and multimedia technologies, through which students gain a thorough knowledge of the disciplines. Provides a process – the well-known distance learning technology – Moodle (modular object-oriented dynamic learning environment), which is a software complex for organizing distance learning via the Internet and designed to unite participants in the educational process (students and teachers) into one reliable, a secure and integrated system for creating a personalized learning environment.