The University has improved its position by 6 steps in the ranking of the best TOP-200 Ukraine HEI and took 13th place!
Center for International Projects “EuroEducation”, in partnership with the IREG Observatory’s International Expert Group on Academic Ranking and Excellence (, since 2010, has been researching academic indicators of higher education institutions in Ukraine III, IV accreditation levels, which is reflected in the formation of annual rankings, which include the top 200 universities. The rating is based on 30 indicators of direct measurement (questionnaires, information from ZVO sites, data from international associations of universities, data on participation of ZVO in international projects (Horizon 2020, Erasmus +), information about participation of ZVO in international ratings (Webometrics, Scopus, uniRank), Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, YEBO, data of the Committee on State Prizes of Ukraine and T. Shevchenko Prizes, participation of HEA in projects funded by NATO under the Science for Peace and Security Program, participation of HEA in bilateral projects, average competitive entry score and other open data). Expert assessment of the quality of scientific and pedagogical potential and quality of education with a total weight of 15% was carried out according to the following criteria: the level of basic, general education of students, the level of professional training, the level of practical knowledge of information technologies, the demand of graduates of HEI in the labor market.
The full rating can be found at: